Monday, June 4, 2012

Two days at the pleasant mount

 First and foremost, this girl rocks:

Her performance was one of the many incredible things I had the pleasure of seeing during the 2012 Michigan Summer Olympic Games this past week. 

Okay, so back-tracking real quick: Thursday evening Kyle told me about an opportunity to work with an up-and-coming video company, The RUSH.  I jumped at the chance (IDK if you've heard, I'm looking for work).

The Rush ( is a Michigan-made start up that uses a really unique program. Basically, they film sporting events (often for High Schools) and invented this technology that records separate snippets (highlights) of the game. It then tags the players' names and the clips are uploaded to the web. Anyone can log into the site (free!), search an athlete's name and voila, see a list of their video highlights. I think it's going to totally revolutionize college athletic recruitment. Pretty exciting stuff happening here in MI.

You can also get the videos sent to your phone. Like instant replay. It's amazing.

While working there, I met Kyle's cousin, Adam. He's only 17 but seems to have about 25 years worth of maturity and perspective. Our first conversation consisted of dissecting the ways in which school systems perpetuate social injustice. I did a lot of listening.

Obviously, he's a pretty cool kid.

After a long day, we headed to a really cool coffee place. The ceiling was covered with coffee bean bags which I was really jazzed about. While there, I engaged in my newest favorite hobby: job searching.
Obviously, my newest favorite hobby is actually instagramming.

This trip could've been categorized as an internship or job shadow for my upcoming career in the field of homelessness. We didn't have a for-sure place to stay, so we wandered into the dorms and found some pretty comfortable couches. Adam and I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up a while later to find a very helpful note from Kyle. He explained that he'd left us to go to a pizza party in a nearby building and that he'd be back in 1 - 1.5 hours. No directions, no time of departure. We were left with two dead phones and nearly no pride.
Thankfully, he'd had the time and consideration to take pics.

Vulnerability at its finest
After somehow surviving our public slumber, we headed to a friend's apartment. There, the three of us shared a lot of laughs and a little bed. With barely any sleep, we got up the next day to do it all again.

Lake Orion Vid Kids reunited

It was fantastic to be around some of the most hardworking and positive athletes I've seen. I got more high-fives than I often do in a year. It was a great two days.

 I hate to do this again, but it fits pretty well. "Our prime porpoise in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." -Dalia Lama

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Hallelula-hoop.

    Very good writing, Al. Keep it up.
