Thursday, June 14, 2012

Farewell, EL

 Oh, the home of the 2004-2005 Second Team Academic All State Girls Ski-Team. 

Living, biking, playing, stumbling, sleeping, pokey-stix eating, dancing, tandeming, blading and running on the streets of East Lansing, I experienced so much these past four years. 

I ran the streets wearing only buns; dressed as an avatar creature; in an eighties sweat suit; covered in poison ivy; with my friends; alone; carrying a turkey sandwich; after eating a donut; while eating a banana.

I ran in the woods; in the stadium; through skywalks; over tractor tires; under signs; through the children's garden; the hobo trail; the arbs; jenison track; the river trail; THE LAVA TRAIL; backyards; frontyards; backyard sidewalks.
Mid-run pit stops included buying sunscreen, Rockying up the capitol steps, drinking a slurpee, getting a free hug, depositing cash, peeing, doing more than just peeing then wiping with poision ivy, drinking water at TA's, petting her dogs, bonging a beer, jumping in a pool, laying on my back panting, tying my shoes.

All the while, laughing, parcouring, complaining, learning, and sweating. 

Blah, blah, blah verb vomit, sorry. Don't even get me started on my time spent not running.

The past four weeks that I spent here were probably way too much fun and made it even harder to leave. (hopefully I get my shit together enough to write about them and can put a convenient link here).

On Sunday, I finished the painfully slow process of moving out my life. The careful twitter/instagram follower/chosen text receiver knows by now that I'm not currently in Chicago.

That ticket wasn't exactly my best $20 investment.

This, on the other hand, was.

Now, I be moving to LA.

 Liana's reaction is pretty on-point.

He did. And, after talking with my parents, friends, dental hygentist, neighbor, and everybody else who is alive, I realized it's what I really need to do. Probably of equal importance, it's what I really want to do.

I am currently in Lake Orion memorizing my AAA map and desperately piecing together a plan. It looks like I'm going to follow the same couch-surfing/exploring plan as Chicago. It'll just be ten degrees warmer and a lot closer to the ocean. 
The ticket is a bit more expensive, though, so let's hope this one sticks.

It isn't even fun anymore to list how unprepared I am because it's too easy. But I'll tell you this: I haven't been on a plane since age 7 when we flew to DC for a mathletes' competition. I wasn't even a mathlete. I was a helper. 

Regardless, on Wednesday, June 20th I will hop off the plane at LAX with my dreams and no cardigan because it is summer and f'ing hot.

I'm going to take a shuttle up to Panorama City and stay with a friend from high school for a little while. I'm hoping I can piece together a place to stay for the two weeks after that (things will work out because they have to). 

I'm going to spend my time there looking for jobs, finding roommates, a place to live, scoping out the improv scene and experimenting with the hardest of drugs. 

After three weeks, I fly back for my brother's wedding. The day after he gets married, my dad and I will drive all of my belongings west 2,000 miles. At least the blog posts will be enjoyable.

This doesn't really fit, therefore it's perfect:  
"I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where's the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the porpoise. " -George Carlin

Nobody leaves comments, so I'm changing that. Whoever posts the best EL running memory that I've forgotten will get a postcard from me professing how much I love and appreciate you. You don't even have to write a full story. Just a sentence is all I ask.
Deadline is one week from today, people.


  1. im not going to win... but when liv told us to run through wells after we ran through the wind tunnel and then we pressed on to have the slowest, most unproductive run in the world

  2. This is great, I love you so much!!! I'm going to think really hard and come back with a story that will DESTROY ALL COMPETITION.

  3. We didn't have that many runs together but there was this one time in the pool when we didn't have a water polo ball so we tossed an imaginary one back and forth for an hour .......

  4. Hockeye.

    This is fantastic and I love the shoutout! :) movie marathon was a huge highlight of my life but there has been too many funny things to even remember and in really quite mad at myself for not writing down EVERY funny thing that's happened to us because frankly we would have an award winning novel, even if I'd have to make the award myself! One word: scavenger hunt champs!!!!!! Okay that's 3 words but here's 2 words: water polo!!!! Hulk stomp!!!!!!! ;) Oh I will never forget though when we went camping in Madison and were homeless children convicts... That complimentary breakfast was pretty nice too ;)

    I won't give up on us. Oranges. Running faucets. Taxis.
    Over and out.
    Eagle Eye

  5. I still haven't gotten a shout out, and I'm not happy about it. You practically screamed my name with the pokey-stick eating, dancing, backyard sidewalks, drinking a slurpee, jumping in a pool, the dreamcatcher bear tank, blah blah blah, miley reference. But no shout out. I see how it is.

    And I'm not entering your contest, but I expect a postcard.

  6. I love the anonymous posts. So I shall continue the trend and expect that you know each one of us well enough to figure it out. My favorite run with you was last summer at night when we ran around that one pond during a rain storm and probably killed thousands of frogs as we tried avoiding them on the sidewalk. stupid frogs...don't they know sidewalks are for runners?

    Best of luck in Cali! Please learn how to surf :) then teach me! Love you!

  7. I believe you all ran to Tuesday's with Laurie, short lived but fun. Remember pulling the stiff legged girl out in the hall because she couldn't bend any limbs until it was her turn again!

  8. bring it, klarabell.

    we ran to a parking lot on lake lansing road and had a javelin-throwing competition with some branches we found, for like half an hour. on the way back, we ran through TA's apartment complex because you were "fascinated" by her married life, and were hoping to catch a glimpse of it.

  9. Is it bad that it took me ten min to figure out how to comment? I didn't even read any of the comments either... but I have a memory of you sneaking out my window with a power rangers doll.


  11. Freshman year: We ran up the stadium ramp in broad day light and stood at the top of the bowl.

  12. Safety first, then Avatar.

  13. Let's just relive the events at a certain garden that lead a certain teammate of yours to get a certain injury as a result of a leap of pure joy thanks to a certain metallic amphibian.

  14. Wellll where to start?...there was that one run when I did the rare thing and proved allie hock wrong by telling you that there was such thing as the movie PAT. There also was the run where i told you that I have never spit/spat (not sure if spat is a correct word) while running and idk if I had been running with anyone else if they would have been half as amazed by that because the next day you texted me that you spat? on your run and thought of thoughtful! Also the fact that you texted me was rare in itself because if you know allie....she often only texts your or texts back when she has a picture to text or you're texting her a picture! If we are supposed to go on with some memorable time so you don't forget...ill keep going. I also think that if any other person had come to my apt. at 1:30 a.m. and exploded sloppy joes all over it I would have been very pissed butttt allie hock did it so it was okay! You also have made it to the top of my list for people i will definitely make stove popped popcorn for, because your ability to get more in the couch cracks than your mouth is highly entertaining. There was also that run when you introduced me after running in el for 3 yrs. to the very odd sidewalk path in the middle of people's backyards in the neighborhoods and yes we did that loop 2 or 3 times which normally would be boring but once again....i was with allie hock so didn't matter plus i was just so amazed at the oddness of this path through people's backyards. I also found out whenever I wanted to go to the caf...allie hock to the rescue, I could always count on you for that and your persistence and ability to go to the caf 5 days a week ever week without a meal plan is itself extremely impressive. Also how could I forget the very detailed story of how the time you and Klare slept in my bed was the most enjoyable sleep you two have ever had while having to share a bed! And i'm honored you thought my bed would be the best fit! BUT FOR CERTAIN THE ONE THING I'LL NEVER FORGET... the look on allie hock's face when she told me to KLAREIFY and I responded with stop making ALLIEGATIONS!!

    I don't exactly know if my name is going to appear on this comment cuz im a little confused by it but if it doesn't I don't think a name is necessary! Have fun in L.A. your optimistic mind set and philosophy that everything will work out because it has to is very admirable...but I don't doubt that you will easily find a job and soon write some of the best films! Good luck...YOU WILL BE MISSED!!

  15. ....More workouts: The fan-bike ladder workout 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 where we worked ourselves stupid, Jump or Dive, that one run at night when I said "Since we're being honest...." and we saw the calico cats, the many times I biked alongside you when you were running in the fall (and summer), EVERY time we tandomed, and the meet where we played Leaf Kabob....
